Monday 16 May 2016

The new house...

Honk! " We're here!"says the truck driver. But all I can see is a path. " I thought you were taking me to my new house?" I say, accusingly.
" Oh, you go up that path and then you will find some double doors. That is your new house." the driver tells me. " It's all fully furnished and everything." " OK?" I say, cautiously as I step out of the truck. As I walk down the path, moss squelches under my feet. I look behind me to see the truck but it is gone so I carry on up the path. Just when I think the path is never going to end I see some double doors. I open one of the doors a crack. " Hello?" I say quietly  just in case anyone is there. No one answers. So I swing both doors open and try to find the light switch. When I find it I switch it on. " Gasp!"

By Iona 


  1. Left me wondering what is gonna happen

  2. awsome I was wondering whats going to happen next I think that was the best story I've seen in a while Iona.There was some outstanding detail.

    By Oliver

  3. nice it left me hanging on whats going to happen next good job you did a great
    Hannah Russell

  4. It is great to see you using some lovely descriptive language. It really helps give the reader a clearer idea. Good job Iona. Miss Salter

  5. Oh my gosh! What happens when he goes through the double doors? The anticipation is a thriller. I can only imagine what he finds when he swings open the doors. Not sure what type of mysterious thriller this is, but I am hooked! I love these types of books and stories! You've got me on the edge of my seat!

    Mattie @ Buyer's Corner Realty

  6. My goodness, what have you bought or rented?! It looks like a castle rather than a house! Anyway, it's magnificent. If I were surrounded by such an atmospheric place, I wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor if it wasn't furnished. I can't wait to hear the denouement to your story and find out more about how you came across such a place.

    Glenn @ MMTeam
