Monday, 16 May 2016

The Flying Palace...

The Flying Palace...

"Jema."I hear. The words echo in my head. Just then as if she heard. The sun covers me in her rays like a blanket. My friend shouts words like"YOLO,Good morning world!"
"JEMA AND AVA GET YOUR TOSH TO THE YABLE NOW!" yells my mother very loud. Infact as loud as a tiger. As I run down the stairs I feel like I will crash into the wall. Tripping over my silk gown, I fly down,  hit the ground smash everything in plain sight.
"Jema,Jema?!" I hear just before darkness smothers me in her arms......

By Sophie.


  1. thats a awesome story

    by Oliver

  2. Cool story Sophie, very captivating.


  3. That was the first one I have read from your group. I love it it has good taste.
