Wednesday 13 April 2016

Forest art

In week 9 TKT was set the task of creating forest art . It was hard but fun and TKT now have a tall tree standing in their class .We were put into groups. One group for making the tree and one for creating the bugs . The bug group first had to sketch out the outline of the creature then had to pastel around the outline of our chosen bug .Finally we had to cut out and colour in the image.

The tree group had to first look at Maori drawings, then had to sketch out the outline of their design we then went over the designs in black pastel we then finally dyed our pictures in green.

Here are some photos of the finished product :

    By Jake


  1. It was really fun to draw the bugs and I bet it would of been really hard to do all Maori pattens,You were are good at describing what we did and I think you presented everything really well.Just amazing Jake


  2. I love the way the bugs blend in with the bush like at camp and the bush looks life like :)

    From Brayden

  3. It was deity but looked better and cooler on the wall

