Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Visitors to TKT

This morning we had some very cute and cuddly visitors to TKT. Tia's dog had a litter of nine puppies. Here are two of the litter. The puppies are four and a half weeks old. They are called Brooke and Citrus. They are Hungarian Vizslas.

Monday, 28 August 2017

 What an amazing time we had last Friday with our buddies!!! It was so much fun practising for assembly and playing sport. We have buddy time every second Friday to build a good relationship with our buddy's.
By Will

Thursday, 17 August 2017


On Thursday last week Te Kete Tangaroa (TKT) went on a trip to the marae.  
The kids were  very excited to go to the marae. We learnt a lot about Māori culture and what they used to survive with. Some of the activities were poi making, rako fighting and many more. It was a fabulous experience for the kids. Thanks to the parent who gave up their own time and helped us I don't think this trip would have been a success without you guys.I hope you enjoyed it too.THANKS!

                                                  By Arjun Chandran

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

TKT Pepeha by Elisa

Since the start of term three, Te Kete Tangaroa have been working on a spectacular pieceof art! It's a piece of art that represents there pepeha. If you don't know what a pepeha is, it's like a Maori speech that includes your mountain, river, school, town or country and you family. Your name goes last. We had to read  our pepeha at Te Hoto Manawa O rangitane O Manawatu Marae. We also had to draw all of that and ended up with some amazing art! Here some samples of our work! By ELISA 

On Thursday 10/8/17 TKT went the marae. We got to do a lot of activities like weaving, nutrition ,making steam pudding, and saying our pepehas. Then we had lunch, after lunch the boys did a haka and the girls did making poi. After  making we went back to school.Then the teachers handed out steam pudding out. by: Josiah

The block

This is the block. A TKT project that the students have been working on for the past three weeks.It started of with a small amount of students doing the project by making square and rectangular nets. The nets made 3d shapes that looked like shops and buildings. After one week most of the students had started their block or even finished it. We are going to join all the blocks together to make a city. This learning has been helping us to develop our understanding of creating and identifying nets for rectangular prisms and other simple solid shapes.
By Isaac,

Sunday, 13 August 2017


   Last Thursday we went to a marae. First step was getting          welcomed to the marae by Maori people singing a song. 

                 Then we split up into groups and did                  weaving, baking, health foods & Pepeha's. My favourite               activity was baking  because  we can eat it and it was                   Delicious and looked yum.


        After lunch the girls made  poi's. Steph said she really                enjoyed it because stuffing the filling into the poi  was fun                    


      The boys did war training. What I liked about it was the                        bit when you do the stab. Here's a quick video.



But the funnest of all was Selfie time.

We all new the end would come but we never expected it to come this fast.

By Connor

TKT Marae Visit

On Thursday the 10th of August, Te Kete Tangaroa went to Manawatu o Rangitane Marae to have a learning experience about the Maori culture. Some of the activities included Poi,Rako,Weaving Nutrition and many more.It was a great learning experience for everyone,even the the teachers learnt a thing or two.It was also great that the parents gave up their time to come and help us and were so thankful that they did.

Leo Mwape

                  this was so much fun!!!!